• Swedish butter cookies (kolasnittar) served on a plate

    Easy Swedish Butter Cookies (Kolasnittar)


    Last week I wanted to bake something sweet for a TV night with my friends and I didn’t have time to go to the grocery store, so I opted for a simple and oh so delicious favorite: kolasnittar, or Swedish butter cookies. They’re like the vanilla sugar version of another beloved recipe that I shared a couple years ago, chokladsnittar. Swedish butter cookies are quick and easy to make, especially as you don’t even need to shape the dough into individual cookies. Instead, you simply roll the dough into long logs and slice it into cookies after it’s finished baking.…

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  • Norwegian Fastelavnsboller with Jam


    Today is Fastelavn in Norway, so of course I had to celebrate by baking some delicious fastelavnsboller. These sweet cardamom buns are traditionally filled with jam and whipped cream. Many Norwegians also like to fill their fastelavnsboller with almond paste (like Swedes do with their semlor), but today I decided…

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  • Swedish Saffron Buns with Vanilla Filling


    My friend Lisa and I spent New Year’s in a cute little cabin up in Northern Sweden. And when I woke up on New Year’s Day to -25°C I decided it would be the perfect day to bake some buns! And since I was in Sweden, I knew I wanted…

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  • Janssons Frestelse (Jansson’s Temptation)


    I spent Christmas in a lovely little log cabin in Northern Sweden. And when I told my friend Josephine, who is half Norwegian and half Swedish, that I would be in Sweden for Christmas, she sent me a long list of foods I needed to buy at the grocery store,…

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  • Risboller – Puffed Rice Balls


    As a child I was always so excited when my family would spend Christmas with my Norwegian Aunt Hege, because she made the best Christmas cookies. And she’s so much fun and I love her, of course. But also her Christmas cookies are amazing. And my second favorite cookies she…

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  • 8 Scandinavian Gifts for the Kitchen


    The holidays are extra exciting for those of us who love baking, because we finally have an excuse to make ALL of the cookies. I’ve shared my favorite Norwegian Christmas cookie recipes here. But it’s also a wonderful opportunity to add some special kitchen items to our wish lists –…

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