
  • Norwegian Fastelavnsboller With Almond Filling


    Fastelavn in Norway Many cultures celebrate the days leading up to Lent with a big feast or celebration like Mardi Gras, Fastnacht, and Carnival. In Norway and other Nordic countries this is Fastelavn. While the 40-day fast period of Lent largely lost significance in Norway after the Reformation, Norwegians have…

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  • Norwegian Pancakes With Smoked Salmon (+ Other Fillings)


    Norwegians make a lot of different kinds of pancakes, but probably my favorite are their thin and eggy, crepe-like pancakes. These are incredibly versatile and can be filled with all sorts of different things. They can be served sweet for dessert, or savory. While I’m usually more of a Norwegian…

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  • Vafler – The Best Norwegian Waffles


    I grew up in the US, but my mother is Norwegian so my family would often spend our summer vacation in Norway, which I loved. Well of course I loved it, because I eventually moved to Norway. I loved the mountains, I loved the fjords, I loved my grandparents’ dog…

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  • Norwegian Krumkake Cookies


    It’s snowing here in Bergen today, so I am in full Christmas mode. I actually hadn’t expected much snow at all this winter when I moved from Tromsø to Bergen, so the snow came as such a nice surprise! And so I’m celebrating with lots of Christmas baking. My copy…

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