Norwegian Apple Kringle


Norwegians are incredibly proud of their apples, so it’s no surprise they have lots of incredible apple desserts. Norwegian apple cake is one of the most popular cakes here,

kringle (also called klippekrans) is a yeast based pastry filled with cinnamon sugar, sort of like a wreath of connected cinnamon buns. In fact I developed this recipe from my kanelboller (Norwegian cinnamon rolls) recipe. This apple kringle is also filled with chopped apples, which make this kringle even juicier.

Kringle is a popular coffee time treat to sever to guests here in Norway. It’s easy to make, but its beautiful shape makes it look quite impressive. You can slice up the kringle or let everyone simply pull it apart in pieces.

Norwegian apple kringle on a plate

Kringle vs kringla

A lot of Americans have asked the difference between kringle and kringla. Some Norwegian Americans say that kringle is a large round pastry and kringla is a small pretzel shaped cookie. But in Norway, kringle and kringla are simply different declensions of the same noun. Ei kringle translates to a ring, and den kringla translates to the ring.

So actually, kringle/kringla simply refers to the shape of the pastry or cookie. So a kringle pastry or cookie will be shaped either as a ring or circle, or sometimes the top pieces are folded into a pretzel shape.

Kringles are especially popular in Wisconsin, but here I’m sharing the version we make in Norway.


If using instant or fresh yeast, you don’t need to proof it first. Otherwise follow the instructions on the yeast packet, as you may have to proof it.

The dough usually takes about an hour to rise, but rising time can vary quite a bit depending on the conditions in the room, as well as the type of yeast used. It should rise to about double in size.

You can use this same kringle recipe to make a plain cinnamon kringle without apples. Simply spread the cinnamon butter filling mixture across the dough and roll it up without the chopped apples.

But personally I love apple kringle, as the chopped apples go so well with the cinnamon and cardamom in the kringle, and they make the inside even softer.

chopped apples

It’s much easier to spread the cinnamon sugar and butter filling across the dough if the butter is softened. If it isn’t room temperature, you can quickly soften it in the microwave.

Norwegian kringle filling

I always knead and roll out my dough on a silicon baking mat like this one instead of directly on my counter. This helps with clean up, and in this case it makes the kringle much easier to roll, as it won’t stick to the silicon mat.

spreading kringle filling across dough
kringle dough with chopped apples

After you roll up the dough, transfer it to your baking sheet and arrange it in a circle. Then make the slices – I usually do about 15 slices, but you can do more if you want thinner folds in the kringle. Make sure you slice almost down to the bottom so you are able to twist the sections to each side.

unbaked kringle dough circle

Twist the first section of dough to the right, leave the next to the left, then twist to the right, and so on, alternating each section. Then push all the sections forward. If you’re confused, see the video in the recipe box.

brushing kringle with egg wash

When the kringle is finished baking, check the dough in the creases to make sure it’s fully baked and not still gooey – though you definitely don’t want to bake the kringle too long, as then it will get dry. If you need to bake it longer, reduce the often heat a bit so the top of the kringle doesn’t burn.

Norwegian apple kringle

To decorate the kringle, I spoon the icing onto the plastic wrap that was covering the kringle earlier and I cut a small hole and drizzle the icing over the kringle. You can of course use a small plastic bag instead, but I like to reuse the plastic wrap, plus this way makes for a messier drizzle, which personally I think looks extra cool on the kringle – like modern art!

Norwegian apple kringle

The kringle tastes best served warm, but it will be delicious the next day as well. I cover it tightly in plastic wrap so it doesn’t get stale.

Norwegian apple kringle with one slice eaten

You can switch the recipe from US measurements to metric by clicking from “US Customary” to “Metric” under Ingredients.

Norwegian apple kringle recipe

Norwegian Apple Kringle

A kringle is a yeast based pastry filled with cinnamon sugar, sort of like a wreath of connected cinnamon buns. This apple kringle is also filled with chopped apples, though you can of course experiment with whatever filling you like!
5 from 1 vote
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Course: Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine: Danish, Norwegian
Keyword: apple, buns, cardamom, cinnamon
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Rising Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 10
Author: Silvia


  • Rolling Pin
  • mortar and pestal (for grinding cardamom seeds)



  • 1 cup milk (lukewarm)
  • 2 tsp instant yeast (or 25 g fresh yeast)
  • 1 tsp cardamom seeds
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 9 tbsp butter (room temperature)
  • 3 and 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp salt


  • 2-3 apples
  • 1/2 cup butter (room temperature)
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp corn starch
  • 2 tsp milk


  • 1 egg
  • 6 tbsp powdered sugar



  • Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm milk.
  • Grind the cardamom seeds into a powder with a mortar and pestle. Add the sugar and ground cardamom to the milk and stir until dissolved.
  • Add the butter and about half of the flour and mix until smooth. Slowly add the rest of the flour and the salt, until you can knead the dough without it sticking (you may need less flour). I use the last bit of flour to flour my counter before kneading. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, until it's elastic.
  • Cover and let the dough rise until double in size, about one hour.


  • Peel and chop the apples into small pieces. In a small bowl combine the softened butter, sugars, cinnamon, cornstarch, and milk, mixing until smooth.
  • Roll out the dough into a large square.
  • Spread the filling evenly across the square of dough, leaving a couple inches free from filling at the top. Scatter the chopped apples over the filling. Then slowly roll the square up from the bottom to the top.
  • Carefully transfer the roll onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper, forming it into a circle. Pinch the dough on the bottom of the end of the circle together.
  • Cut about fifteen evenly space slits in the roll, cutting almost down to the bottom of the roll but not all the way through. Twist the first section of dough to the right, the next to the left, then to the right, and so on, alternating each section. Then push all the sections forward (see video).
  • Cover with plastic wrap and let rise again for about 30 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 200°C (390°F). Whisk the egg with a splash of water and gently brush onto the top of kringle.
  • Bake the kringle for about 30 – 35 minutes in the lower section of the oven (I bake mine in the row between the middle and bottom row) until deep golden brown.


  • Mix powdered sugar with a bit of water or apple juice until you get a thick glaze. Spoon it into a plastic bag or in a bit of plastic wrap and cut a small hole. Drizzle the glaze over the kringle.



  • Rose Stoller

    July 26, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    5 stars
    Silvia, I am a recent subscriber. I want to thank you for this wonderful collection of recipes. I just watched the video for your Apple Kringle. My children’s far is Danish so I see similarities to your Norwegian foods. I background is Swiss-German-French. My grandmothers and my mother all were bakers as well. One of our family favorites was a Tea Ring, is made similar to the Kringle except we only grab and twist in one direction. The next time I make one or the Kringle I will share with you. Thank you again.

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