Suksessterte (Norwegian Almond “Success Cake”)


I had been waiting until Easter to bake a suksessterte (also called suksesskake and gulkake, or success cake in English), mostly because it’s a festive yellow, but I couldn’t wait any longer so I made it a few days early. But this way you’ll have time to get the ingredients to bake your own suksessterte for Easter! Norwegians will also bake this for any kind of celebration throughout the year, including weddings, confirmations, and holidays.

Suksessterte is a Norwegian almond cake with a lovely yellow egg cream frosting. The almond base is very simple, made with just eggs, almonds, sugar, baking powder, and a couple spoons of flour, and the yellow cream is equally simple, made with egg yolks, sugar, vanilla, and heavy cream.

Norwegian suksessterte almond cake

Suksessterte has always been my favorite Norwegian cake, and in fact I’d say it’s always been my entire family’s favorite cake. My mom usually makes this so I was nervous to make it myself, but I’m happy to report that this is the most delicious cake I have ever baked.

Okay but here is suksessterte’s dirty little secret: suksessterte might actually be Swedish.

Suksessterte was first named in “Den lille bakeboken” which was actually a translation of a Swedish cookbook! In the Swedish version the cake is called King Oscar II’s cake. Apparently suksessterte, also called almond cake in Sweden, was often served at Swedish royal engagements at the end of the 19th century and it was King Oscar II’s favorite cake. Though interestingly King Oscar II also ruled Norway from 1872 until Norway gained independence in 1905. So I guess since he was ruling over Norway, that makes the cake Norwegian as well?

But what matters most here is that suksessterte is delicious and incredibly popular in Norway today.

Norwegian success cake suksesskake gulkake

You’ll often find suksessterte served at Norwegian cafés and bakeries, but to be honest I gave up ordering them because none were ever nearly as good as my mother’s – hers is somehow more flavorful. But don’t worry, she has generously shared her suksessterte recipe with us here so you’ll definitely be making the most delicious version of this almond cake.

Out of curiosity I did compare her recipe to other recipes I found online, and I think I might have figured out the secret: most suksessterte recipes only use egg whites in the almond base, whereas her version uses whole eggs, including the yolks.

As with her fantastic sachertorte, my mother found this recipe in an Alt Om Mat magazine from sometime before 1991, back when Queen Sonja was still the Crown Princess. My family is in good company here, because according to the magazine, suksessterte is also Sonja’s favorite. This recipe comes from Crown Princess [now Queen] Sonja’s handwritten cookbook.

Suksessterte (Norwegian Almond

Queen Sonja’s version is a bit fancier, decorated with marzipan, whipped cream, and exclusive candied violets that the magazine recommends buying on your next trip to London. But for us commoners the yellow egg cream alone is topping enough.

I’ve also seen some bakeries drizzle chocolate over the yellow cream, but if you make a good egg cream the chocolate is unnecessary (and detracts from the delicious egg cream flavor).



Whisk the eggs and sugar until they are combined, but no longer. You don’t want the mixture to get too much air in it.

folding almonds into whipped eggs for suksessterte

The baking time will depend on how big your cake form is. I bake mine for about 45 (maybe 47) minutes using a 27 cm (10.6 inch) springform. If you’re using a smaller form you might need to bake longer (around 50 minutes) so that the center cooks through. I bake the cake until the top starts to turn dark brown (before burning) and that ensures that the cake is fully baked but still nice and moist in the center.

I start preparing the egg cream after I put the cake in the oven, because then it will have plenty of time to cool to room temperature before I add in the room temperature butter. It’s crucial that the butter and the egg mixture is the same temperature when you combine them, otherwise the egg cream will thin out.

Cook the egg cream on low enough heat that it doesn’t quite boil, but high enough heat that it does thicken. If you’re unsure if it has thickened it probably hasn’t. You can raise the temperature if it still isn’t thick after fifteen minutes – just make sure it doesn’t reach a full boil as the eggs will start to curdle (a few small bubbles are okay).

I sometimes use an electric mixer when adding the butter, to make the cream a bit more fluffy, but it’s not necessary.

making egg cream frosting for Norwegian almond cake

Flip the cake over after taking it out of the form so that you can frost the smoother bottom of the the cake.

Frosting Norwegian success cake

You can switch the recipe from US measurements to metric by clicking from “US Customary” to “Metric” under Ingredients.

suksessterte Norwegian almond cake

Suksessterte (Norwegian almond “success cake”)

Suksessterte is a Norwegian almond cake with a lovely yellow egg cream frosting. Norwegians will bake this for any kind of celebration throughout the year, including weddings, confirmations, and holidays.
5 from 5 votes
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Norwegian
Keyword: cake
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Cooling Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours
Servings: 10
Author: Silvia


  • food processor or almond grinder


Almond base

  • 2 cups almonds
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 and 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Yellow egg cream

  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract)
  • 7 tbsp butter (room temperature)


Almond base

  • Preheat oven to 345°F (175°C) and grease cake form (I use a 27 cm spring form) – you can line the bottom with baking paper if you like.
  • Grind almonds in an almond grinder or food processor. I like to keep them a bit coarse.
  • Gently whisk the eggs and sugar together until combined (no longer). Stir in the ground almonds, flour, and baking powder.
  • Pour batter into cake form and bake for about 45 – 50 minutes, monitoring to make sure the top doesn't burn.

Yellow egg cream

  • Add egg yolks, heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla to a saucepan. Heat over low/medium heat while stirring constantly until the mixture thickens – about 15 minutes. Turn up the heat if the mixture doesn't thicken, but be careful not to boil.
  • Let the mixture cool to room temperature and then add the butter. You can use an electric mixer for a fluffy egg cream.


  • Wait for the cake to cool completely before removing from form and frosting.



  • Fyrstekake – Norwegian Prince Cake – Scandinavian Cookbook

    July 15, 2023 at 9:41 am

    […] of my very favorite Norwegian desserts are mazariner and suksessterte, and fyrstekake is sort of like a combination of the two. Fyrstekake is a vanilla lattice pie with […]

  • Michelle

    October 11, 2023 at 7:00 am

    Are these almonds with or without salt?

    1. Silvia

      October 11, 2023 at 8:35 am

      Without salt!

  • Blaine

    January 2, 2024 at 11:36 pm

    In the portion of the video making the icing it looks like a dry ingredient in addition to the sugar is added? Is that the case? Cornstarch?

    1. Silvia

      January 7, 2024 at 8:09 pm

      The dry ingredient is vanilla sugar! You can also use vanilla extract instead.

  • Lisa Griswold

    January 25, 2025 at 6:00 pm

    5 stars
    🥰 my third time making it. I “pynt” – decorate with mokkabønner when I have them (live in California).

  • Emily

    March 11, 2025 at 8:06 pm

    Does this have to be kept in the fridge or is it okay at room temp?

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