
  • Kärleksmums Swedish chocolate cake

    Kärleksmums (Swedish Chocolate Cake)


    Sweden has so many great cakes, but one of my favorites is kärleksmums, or “love treats.” This is a light chocolate cake topped with a dark chocolate coffee glaze and shredded coconut. It’s like the chocolate version of silviakaka, one of my other favorite Swedish cakes. Tips This is quite an easy cake to whip up. I start by melting the butter and adding the milk and then setting the mixture aside to cool a bit. Then I use an electric hand mixer to whisk the eggs and sugar until they’re light and fluffy. To avoid lumps, I use a…

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  • Drømmekage (Danish Dream Cake)


    On Tuesday my friend Åsne’s dog Kaos turned nine years old, which was a great excuse to bake a cake (for the humans celebrating). Yes, I’m finding lots of excuses to bake cakes these days. Summer always puts me in the mood for coconut, so I decided to make a…

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  • Silviakaka (Silvia Cake)


    Yes my name is Silvia, but no, I did not name silviakaka, or Silvia cake, after myself. Silviakaka is named after another Scandinavian Silvia, Queen Silvia of Sweden. I first heard of Silvia cake from a Swedish colleague when I worked in a supermarket my first year living in Norway.…

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  • Skolebrød (Skoleboller) Norwegian “School Bread” Custard Buns


    I almost don’t want to share this skoleboller recipe because I’m pretty sure the main reason my American friends visit me in Norway is to eat skoleboller. And I don’t fault them for that, because skoleboller probably accounted for 90% of my decision to move to Norway. But you can,…

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