
  • Norway’s Best Kanelboller (Cinnamon buns)


    Kanelboller, or cinnamon buns, are a Norwegian classic that often gets overlooked these days in favor of fancier cream filled cinnamon rolls or twisted kanelsnurrer. And I completely understand this, because sometimes kanelboller can be boring, or even dry and flavorless. But when done right, I’d argue that kanelboller are…

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  • Kanelsnurrer – Norwegian Twisted Cinnamon Buns


    Scandinavians sure love their cinnamon buns, so it’s no surprise they have so many different variations of them. In Norway you’ll find kanelboller, skillingsboller, kanel i svingene, and kanelsnurrer – also called kanelknuter. These names are often used interchangeably, but kanelsnurrer and kanelknuter are usually slightly smaller buns twisted into…

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  • Norwegian Fastelavnsboller With Almond Filling


    Fastelavn in Norway Many cultures celebrate the days leading up to Lent with a big feast or celebration like Mardi Gras, Fastnacht, and Carnival. In Norway and other Nordic countries this is Fastelavn. While the 40-day fast period of Lent largely lost significance in Norway after the Reformation, Norwegians have…

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